Magnetic Pulsing - PEMF

Magnetic Pulser's generate Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields (PEMF) which create micro-currents of electricity that work with the body’s own natural electricity for general health and well-being. The magnetic field generated by Magnetic Pulsers can penetrate up to 9 inches of bone and tissue. For more information, check out our PEMF Magnetic Pulsing information page. 
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Swing Zapper Pulse


The Swing Zapper Pulse, developed by the legendary Dr Hulda Clark, offers an innovative approach to support and keep your flowers and plants thriving like never before. As gardeners, we all know that flowers and...

EarthPulse v8 PEMF Device


EarthPulse v8 Sleep on Command PEMF Device Earthpulse™ v8 Sleep on Command is our full function 15 Program-Mode single-electromagnet PEMF therapy device. Guaranteed better sleep, accelerated short & long term...

EarthPulse v8 PEMF - Pro


Our top-of-the-line PEMF device for performance enhancement EarthPulse™ v8 Pro PEMF machineOur top of the line 2 Electromagnet PEMF machine with 15 Program Modes. The most powerful PEMF device under $10,000. Pulsed...

EarthPulse v8 PEMF - ProBasic


EarthPulse ProBasic PEMF DeviceThe v8 ProBasic is great for sleep, recovery, pets; basically anything our full function v8 Pro two magnet system does without the stepping up and down Sleep, Recover, Alert and...

EarthPulse PEMF v8 - ProPlus for Humans 4 Magnet P


PEMF ProPlus humans for 2 people sharing a bed (Pro)  EarthPulse™ v8 ProPlus for Humans 4 Magnet PEMF Device  The EarthPulse™ v8 ProPlus for humans PEMF machine comes with 4 high-intensity PEMF coils. The...

New Products - Magnetic Pulsing - PEMF
